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The topic for this Doc’s Corner will be reviewing the treatment of work-related injuries:

The vast majority of injuries we see here at MedPro Group are fairly simple such as lacerations, minor strains, sprains and contusions. Most of these minor injuries are managed with conservative treatment such as sutures, over the counter medications, ice, heat and maybe some activity/work restrictions. These cases may require perhaps 1-3 visits and then a full release.

Cases that fall out of the minor category include major fractures, rotator cuff tears, knee meniscal tears, carpal tunnel syndrome, herniated discs and tendon lacerations. Due to the potential for chronic disability or extended absence from work, it is essential that these cases be dealt with promptly. Some of the less serious cases may respond to PT and/or a cortisone injection, as well as an orthopedic evaluation to ensure that no surgery is required. Other cases require urgent referral for imaging as well as surgical evaluation and may result in some work absence for healing from the surgery.

Worker’s compensation providers should be collaborating with specialty providers, imaging facilities, MCOs, TPAs and employers to facilitate rapid resolution of complex cases to ensure a quicker return to duty (be it limited or full duty), less complications from injuries, and less chance of a permanent impairment or inability to return to work. This process also limits the ultimate financial costs of the claim.

Here at MedPro Group we make an effort to keep open and rapid communication between providers and employers to obtain safe and reasonable return to work for injured workers.  Research through the years supports a rapid, safe return of injured workers to duty which will benefit both the worker and the employer and prevent a long, potentially litigious course of the claim. 

Perry S Williams, MD

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